Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2:: Creating your own "Room Experience"

"In response to environment people expect all of their senses to be moderately stimulated at all times. This is what happens in nature, and it relates not only to color and changing degrees of brightness, but to variation in temperature and sound. The unnatural condition is one that is static, boring, tedious, and unchanging. Variety is indeed the spice- and needed substance -of life." -Faber Birren
If you are afraid or confused about how to unify different colors in your space you are not alone! Believe it or not, it's easy to create your very own "room experience!" You can start out by taking a few of your favorite personal items (i.e. your new blouse, art, a piece of fruit, shoes) and making a collage or even a mini design board. Include things that inspire you and make you happy. Then head over to your local paint store, pick out bedding, and add accessories. {pic above via sherwin-williams }

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